Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Post 2

1. Offline, I do not believe that it is fair to dig into a teacher’s private life if they are not endangering any of their students’ lives. If a teacher has a personal secret that they do not wish for their classmates or fellow colleagues to know, then it should not be searched for, especially if this fact is not even posted online for the public. I think that teachers have a right to some form of offline privacy, just like anyone else. However, once this fact is against the law or harming a student, it should be investigated.
If teachers are willing to post pictures that could be seen as inappropriate online, then they should know that anyone can see these pictures, including their students and fellow faculty. I understand that teachers are regular people too and that they enjoy going out with friends, which may include drinking. Unfortunately, teachers are not encouraged to post pictures online of themselves consuming alcohol. It is just not professional and can be seen by anyone who knows that teacher’s name. Also, if the teacher happened to be out at a bar with friends and a parent saw them and captured a picture that is being investigated, then they are just out of luck. Basically, teachers should just be conscious of where they are and what they are doing because they never know who might be keeping an eye on them.

2. Teachers should stay on social networking sites because these sites can be great ways to communicate with parents about their children or the curriculum. Students, on the other hand, should NOT be friends with their teachers because this is an inappropriate relationship and can be seen as special treatment. Teachers are the leaders or advisors for the students, not friends. If students think that they are friends with their teacher, they may try and take advantage of the teacher. Also, if not all of the students are a part of the social networking site, then those who are not online friends with their teacher would feel left out and not liked by the head of their classroom. As a teacher, I would most likely create two different profiles, one for the parents and staff with my full name, and another for my friends and family with just my first name. I would make sure to be careful when uploading my own pictures or accepting tags in others’ photographs for both of my profiles, just in case a parent found the more personal profile. I would also not allow any inappropriate pictures of me to be posted online.

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